Delta Goodrem, the renowned musician and songwriter, presented a holiday special titled "Christmas with Delta Goodrem," broadcasted on Australia’s Nine Network. The special featured a collection of songs from her Christmas album, "Only Santa Knows," and was presented in collaboration with Tourism Australia. One of the standout performances was a unique rendition of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," which featured a distinctive duet with British artist Craig David.
What set this performance apart was that it was conducted via live stream, connecting Delta in Australia with Craig David in London, England, some 10,000 miles away.
To overcome the geographical distance and create the illusion that Delta Goodrem and Craig David were performing together on the same stage, JAM Creative, recognised for their long-term collaboration with Craig David, was chosen to record and live stream Craig's performance from a church in London. JAM Creative took charge of every aspect of the production, from location scouting and art direction to film production and live streaming. A multi-camera setup was employed to capture Craig David's performance, ensuring a dynamic and visually engaging presentation. To add an extra layer of grandeur, a drone camera was used to capture sweeping shots of the church, showcasing its full splendor. Craig David performed alongside an acoustic guitarist, set against the backdrop of a 20 ft Christmas tree.
The result was a seamless and beautiful live-streamed performance that transcended the challenges of distance. The "Christmas with Delta Goodrem" holiday special, especially the live-streamed duet between Delta Goodrem and Craig David, exemplified the creative and technical capabilities of JAM Creative.
By seamlessly integrating a live stream performance from across the globe, the production team delivered a magical moment that celebrated the spirit of Christmas and the power of music to bring people together. The success of this collaboration reinforced the reputation of JAM Creative as innovators in creating captivating and technically complex live performances.